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Below is our A-Z list of Wildlife. As you can see its quite a mix and includes a special collection from the Galapagos islands, which is definitely worth a look. Simply click on the breed name to view each collection.
View all Amphibian's, Arthropods, Birds, Reptiles, Sealife and various other Wild Mammals.
Amphibian Breeds
- meadow brown (1)Info
- owl butterfly (1)Info
- postman butterfly (2)Info
- tortoiseshell (1)Info
- tree nymph (1)Info
- anhinga (1)Info
- black skimmer (3)Info
- Blackbird (2)Info
- blue footed booby (12)Info
- budgerigar (11)Info
- buzzard (2)Info
- canary (3)Info
- cockatoo (1)Info
- Common Minah (1)Info
- dove (3)Info
- eagle (7)Info
- falcon (11)Info
- flamingo (10)Info
- flightless cormorant (3)Info
- frigate bird (9)Info
- great egret (4)Info
- hawk (7)Info
- heron (7)Info
- jackdaw (7)Info
- kingfisher (1)Info
- large ground finch (3)Info
- lava gull (2)Info
- lava heron (1)Info
- lesser black-backed gull (3)Info
- macaw (1)Info
- marabou stork (12)Info
- masked booby (16)Info
- mockingbird (3)Info
- osprey (2)Info
- ostrich (8)Info
- owl (12)Info
- oystercatcher (american) (1)Info
- parrot (51)Info
- partidge (1)Info
- peacock (21)Info
- pelican (4)Info
- pelican (brown) (15)Info
- penguin (5)Info
- pheasant (19)Info
- pigeon (8)Info
- red billed tropic bird (6)Info
- robin (1)Info
- Roller (2)Info
- sea bird (4)Info
- seagull (4)Info
- stork (2)Info
- sunbittern (1)Info
- superb starling (6)Info
- swallow tailed gull (12)Info
- swan (22)Info
- turkey (20)Info
- vermillion fly catcher (12)Info
- vulture (10)Info
- waved albatross (8)Info
- weaver (1)Info
- Wren (1)Info
- yellow warbler (1)Info
- agama lizard (1)Info
- lizard (lava) (11)Info
- sailfin lizard (2)Info
- Boomslang (4)Info
- Corn Snake (1)Info
- Gaboon Viper (4)Info
- Green Mamba (2)Info
- Puff Adder (1)Info
- Royal Python (6)Info
- Spitting Cobra (2)Info
- Vine Snake (1)Info
- giant tortoise (2)Info
- Tortoise (4)Info
- tortoise (saddleback) (1)Info
Various Reptiles
- alligator (4)Info
- chameleon (4)Info
- crocodile (4)Info
- iguana (land) (17)Info
- iguana (marine) (17)Info
- terrapin (3)Info
- turtle (green pacific) (2)Info
- dolphin (2)Info
- sea lion (22)Info
- seal (baikal) (1)Info
- seal (fur) (8)Info
Wild Mammals
- blesbok (1)Info
- bontebok (1)Info
- dik-dik (3)Info
- gazelle (4)Info
- gemsbok (4)Info
- hartebeest (6)Info
- impala (12)Info
- klipspringer (1)Info
- kob (3)Info
- kudu (7)Info
- Nyala (2)Info
- oryx (5)Info
- Red Forest Duiker (2)Info
- springbok (3)Info
- topi (2)Info
- waterbuck (6)Info
- wildebeest (17)Info
- Baboon (23)Info
- Chimpanzee (2)Info
- Gibbon (1)Info
- Gorilla (4)Info
- Langur (2)Info
- Macaque (1)Info
- Vervet Monkey (5)Info
- Asian Leopard Cat (20)Info
- Cheetah (8)Info
- Geoffroy Cat (38)Info
- Leopard (27)Info
- Liger (1)Info
- Lion (69)Info
- Tiger (2)Info
Various Wildlife
- Alpaca (1)Info
- bison (6)Info
- buffalo (12)Info
- camel (13)Info
- deer (23)Info
- elephant (35)Info
- Fox (8)Info
- giraffe (30)Info
- hippo (9)Info
- hyena (5)Info
- jackal (6)Info
- llama (12)Info
- Meerkat (2)Info
- otter (4)Info
- panda (2)Info
- Prairie dog (4)Info
- rhino (8)Info
- warthog (9)Info
- Wild Dog (6)Info
- Wolf (4)Info
- zebra (29)Info