Farm animals
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Below is our A-Z list of Farm animals. Simply click on the breed name to view each collection. We update the list weekly, so please email or call if you can’t find the breed you’re looking for.
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Cattle Breeds
- Afrikaner (12)Info
- Angus (43)Info
- Ankole (7)Info
- Ayrshire (4)Info
- Belgian Blue (1)Info
- Belted Galloway (6)Info
- Black Baldy (1)Info
- Black Galloway (5)Info
- Blonde d'Aquitaine (12)Info
- British White (2)Info
- Brown Swiss (42)Info
- Cattle (breed unknown) (62)Info
- Cattle (mixed breed) (9)Info
- Charolais (4)Info
- Chartley (2)Info
- Danish Red (6)Info
- Devon (3)Info
- Dexter (7)Info
- Dutch Belted (2)Info
- Fleckvieh (3)Info
- Gloucester (16)Info
- Guernsey (26)Info
- Hereford (5)Info
- Highland (21)Info
- Holstein (red) (7)Info
- Holstein Friesian (69)Info
- Hungarian (10)Info
- Icelandic (5)Info
- Jersey (18)Info
- Limousin (26)Info
- Longhorn (14)Info
- Nguni (47)Info
- North Devon (1)Info
- Red Baldy (1)Info
- Red Galloway (2)Info
- Red Poll (4)Info
- Romanian Spotted Cattle (1)Info
- Salers (1)Info
- Simmental (18)Info
- South Devon (5)Info
- Speckle Park (1)Info
- Welsh Black (3)Info
- White Galloway (7)Info
- White Park (8)Info
- Yak (6)Info
Chicken Breeds
- Ameraucana (1)Info
- Australorp (12)Info
- Bantam (17)Info
- Barred Rock (4)Info
- Bearded Poland (5)Info
- Brabanter (1)Info
- Brahma (5)Info
- Breda Fowl (2)Info
- Chaam (5)Info
- Chickens (breed unknown) (67)Info
- Cochin (1)Info
- Columbine (5)Info
- Dutch owlbeard (1)Info
- Friesian (2)Info
- Groninger Meeuw (2)Info
- Hamburg (2)Info
- Ixworth (2)Info
- Lakenfelder (9)Info
- Langshan (3)Info
- leghorn (19)Info
- Marans (6)Info
- Naked Neck (10)Info
- North Holland Blue (1)Info
- Orpington (16)Info
- Pekin Bantam (10)Info
- Red sex-link (1)Info
- Rhode Island Red (16)Info
- Rock (15)Info
- Silkie (2)Info
- Sussex (8)Info
- Twente Fowl (2)Info
- Welsumer (3)Info
- Wyandotte (11)Info
Donkey Breeds
- Donkey (98)Info
Duck Breeds
- Aylesbury (3)Info
- Call duck (24)Info
- Cape Teal (1)Info
- Crested (4)Info
- Mallard (7)Info
- Muscovy (6)Info
- Pekin Duck (6)Info
- Ringed Teal (1)Info
- Welsh Harlequin (2)Info
- White-faced Whistling Duck (7)Info
Geese Breeds
- bar headed goose (2)Info
- canadian (4)Info
- chinese (5)Info
- domestic (9)Info
- Embden (1)Info
- pilgrim (7)Info
- roman (2)Info
- Steinbacher (17)Info
- toulouse (7)Info
Goat Breeds
- Alpine (4)Info
- Angora (9)Info
- Bagot (6)Info
- Boer (8)Info
- Cashmere (1)Info
- Dutch Landrace (9)Info
- Goats (breed unknown) (21)Info
- Golden Guernsey (6)Info
- Nubian (8)Info
- Pygmy (2)Info
- Saanen (16)Info
- Senegalese (1)Info
- Zulu (7)Info
Pig Breeds
- Berkshire (1)Info
- British Lop (3)Info
- Camborough (2)Info
- Gloucester Old Spot (9)Info
- Kunekune (17)Info
- Landrace (2)Info
- Large Black (3)Info
- Large White (1)Info
- Mangalitza (7)Info
- Middle White (8)Info
- Oxford Sandy and Black (2)Info
- Pigs (breed unknown) (10)Info
- Pigs (mixed breed) (9)Info
- Saddleback (1)Info
- Tamworth (17)Info
- Wild Boar (5)Info
Sheep Breeds
- Badger Face (7)Info
- Barbados Blackbelly (10)Info
- Barbary (5)Info
- Berichon du Cher (5)Info
- Black Welsh Mountain (4)Info
- Bluefaced Leicester (36)Info
- Border Leicester (3)Info
- Castlemilk Moorit (5)Info
- Charollais (2)Info
- Cheviot (7)Info
- Clun Forest (2)Info
- Columbia (4)Info
- Cotswold (8)Info
- Derbyshire Gritstone (2)Info
- Devon Closewool (1)Info
- Devon Longwool (3)Info
- Dorset Down (2)Info
- Dorset Horn (11)Info
- Exmoor Horn (5)Info
- Friesian (4)Info
- Greyface Dartmoor (30)Info
- Hampshire Down (1)Info
- Hebridean (1)Info
- Herdwick (15)Info
- Highlander (1)Info
- Iceland (19)Info
- Jacob (9)Info
- karakul (1)Info
- kerry hill (4)Info
- leicester longwool (4)Info
- lincoln (6)Info
- lleyn (25)Info
- lonk (5)Info
- manx loaghtan (3)Info
- mergelland (3)Info
- merino (1)Info
- navajo churro (17)Info
- nguni (18)Info
- Norfolk Horn (1)Info
- north ronaldsay (8)Info
- norwegian white (4)Info
- Ouessant (3)Info
- oxford (3)Info
- Poll Dorset (33)Info
- Portland (19)Info
- Radnor (1)Info
- Romney (5)Info
- Rough Fell (4)Info
- ryeland (3)Info
- scottish blackface (35)Info
- Scottish Mule (28)Info
- sheep (breed unknown) (103)Info
- sheep (mixed breed) (74)Info
- shetland (3)Info
- soay (27)Info
- south devon (1)Info
- South Down (7)Info
- Suffolk (20)Info
- swaledale (4)Info
- Swifter (11)Info
- teeswater (3)Info
- Texel (23)Info
- welsh mountain (4)Info
- wensleydale (6)Info
- whiteface dartmoor (4)Info
- whiteface woodland (3)Info
- wiltshire horn (5)Info
- Zwartbles (2)Info
Featured Image

AP-JXA8GU - Simmental cows in Lake District
Photo © Animal Photography, Andrew Howells
Previous featured images

AP-OE23YB - Buff Orpington hen
Photo © Animal Photography, Barbara O'Brien

AP-0OL7Y5 - Steinbacher Geese
Photo © Animal Photography, Linda Dick

AP-0IU25S - Handsome Brown Leghorn Rooster with green grass and sunny blue sky and clouds.
Photo © Animal Photography, Barbara O'Brien
Newly added breeds
KuneKune pig

AP-OVTHYV - KuneKune Pig
Photo © Animal Photography
Saanen goat

AP-8WGL1W - Saanen goat
Photo © Animal Photography, Barbara O'Brien
Staff favourites

AP-0WY1MR - Calf meeting a labrador puppy
Photo © Animal Photography, Sally Anne Thompson
Our top farm photographers
We represent many great farm photographers, here are just a few names that we represent:
Barbara O'Brien
Sally Anne Thompson
Linda Dick
David Jensen
Sam Clark