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Our collection of Greyhound images features many champions and best of breed. Whether you are a specialist looking for stock images of breed examples, a designer looking for a striking picture, or you're simply a Greyhound fan, we're confident we'll have the image you're looking for.
Our images are from top dog photographers from all over the world.
View all Greyhound images.
Greyhound overview
Evidence of greyhounds dates back to ancient times; Egyptian carvings support this point. Greyhounds are built for speed (originally to course game), with elegant grace.
An even temperament, makes them a marvellous companion. Show dogs tend to be larger than the racing version.
Having performed their "duty" on the track the racing greyhounds are often unwanted and disposed of. So once the companion of kings, now an unwanted outcast. See details below for Greyhound rescue centers.
Other known names for Greyhound
English Greyhound
Ancient Egypt
Breed Group
Biological data
Male: 65-70 lbs.
Female: 60-65 lbs.
Male: 71-76 cm.
Female: 68-71 cm.
Colours, markings and patterns
Black, white, red, blue, fawn, fallow (light reddish or yellowish brown),
brindle or any of these colours broken with white.
Greyhound links we are happy to endorse
External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, Animal Photography is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Greyhound – Breed standard
The below links are external
Greyhound rescue centers and further reading
Greyhounds Rescue Belgium
Une Ange pour les Levriers
Adopter un Levrier
Adoption Levrier
Galgos France
l'Europe des Levriers
Dog Rescue Ireland
The Greyhound Sanctuary
Kerry Greyhound Connection
De Greyhound Club
Greyhounds Rescue Holland
Greyhounds in Nood
SOS Galgos
Levriers en Detresse
New Graceland
Greyhound Rescue
Greyhound Rescue West England
Retired Greyhound Trust
Greyhound Rescue North Yorkshire
Greyhound Rescue Wales
Kent Greyhound Rescue
Adopt a Greyhound
Greyhound Pets of America
Grey2K USA
Please get in touch
If you are an animal photographer, an expert on Greyhound dogs or a breeder, we would love to hear from you. We strive to have all the latest, most helpful and accurate information on our website, but nobody is perfect, so we do ask for your feedback if we can improve our website.
Please get in touch
Associations and Specialists – We are happy to link to your Greyhound association or specialist area, all we ask is for you to return the favour.
Photographers – Please visit our 'join us' page to learn about working with us.
Experts – Spotted some detail that isn't right? Please email us your thoughts.
Breeders – We work with many great dog photographers such as Sally Anne Thompson, Robin Burkett and Paul Walker and we'd love to build our contact list of leading breeders. Who knows when you might get a call. Please email us your details.
Greyhound picture ideas
Featured image

AP-B1EUZB - Greyhound in autumn
Photo © Animal Photography, Judy Zatonski
Profits from all of Judy's images will go to greyhound charities and rescue organisations.
Greyhounds outdoors

AP-AJNYVA - Show greyhound in a field
Photo © Animal Photography, Sally Anne Thompson
Greyhounds in studio

AP-YAYLAT - white and brindle Greyhound
Photo © Animal Photography, Tetsu Yamazaki
Greyhound Charity

AP-76CYEN - Five ex-racing greyhounds
Photo © Animal Photography, Judy Zatonski
Profits from all of Judy's images will go to greyhound charities and rescue organisations.