‹‹German Shepherd Dog
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Our collection of German Shepherd Dog images features many champions and best of breed. Whether you are a specialist looking for stock images of breed examples, a designer looking for a striking picture, or you're simply an German Shepherd Dog fan, we're confident we'll have the image you're looking for.
Our images are from top dog photographers from all over the world.
View all German Shepherd Dog images.
German Shepherd Dog overview
Originates from German sheepdog stock (Deutsche Shaferhund).
Since 1914, the German Shepherd Dog has been a popular export from Germany. A fine working dog and an excellent pet, used for shepherding, police and military duties, guiding, tracking. The German Shepherd's versatility, intelligence and trainability, has ensured its long-term popularity.
Other known names for German Shepherd Dog
Alsatian, GSD
German Shepherd Dog foreign names
Duitse Herdershond (Dutch), Berger Allemand (French), Deutscher Schäferhund (German), Perro pastor Aleman (Spanish)
Breed Group
Biological data
Male: 75-85 lbs.
(34-39 kg)
Female: 60-70 lbs.
(27-32 kg)
Male: 60-65 cm.
24-26 inches.
Female: 55-60 cm.
22-24 inches.
Colours, markings and patterns
Black with tan markings
Black (all black)
Grey (all grey)
Sable (gray with lighter or brown markings)
Nose black.
Undercoat usually grey or fawn, except in all black dogs.
Final colour of young dog only certain when outer coat has developed.
Colour in itself is of secondary importance, having no effect on character or fitness for work.
German Shepherd Dog links we are happy to endorse
External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, Animal Photography is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Germans Shepherd Dog – Breed standard
The below links are external
German Shepherd Dog references and further reading
Deutsche Schäferhunde SV
German Shepherds
German Shepherd Dog Rescue
German Shepherd Dog League
German Shepherd UK
UK German Shepherd Rescue
Please get in touch
If you are an animal photographer, an expert on German Shepherd Dog dogs or a breeder, we would love to hear from you. We strive to have all the latest, most helpful and accurate information on our website, but nobody is perfect, so we do ask for your feedback if we can improve our website.
Please get in touch
Associations and Specialists – We are happy to link to your German Shepherd Dog association or specialist area, all we ask is for you to return the favour.
Photographers – Please visit our 'join us' page to learn about working with us.
Experts – Spotted some detail that isn't right? Please email us your thoughts.
Breeders – We work with many great dog photographers such as Sally Anne Thompson, Robin Burkett and Paul Walker and we'd love to build our contact list of leading breeders. Who knows when you might get a call. Please email us your details.
German Shepherd Dog colours
Below are some examples of the various colours of German Shepherd Dogs, colour names sometimes differ from country to country,
Colours can vary according to lighting, whether it was taken indoors or outdoors and even the quality of the dog.
So sadly not an exact science.
Black and Tan

AP-N1H3IV - Two German Shepherd Dogs sitting together on a path
Photo © Animal Photography, Ron Willbie

AP-1NGTG4 - Black Shepherd looking up at camera
Photo © Animal Photography, Anita Peeples
German Shepherd Dog
picture ideas
Featured image

AP-C0QHUK - German Shepherd Dog, looking ahead
© Animal Photography, Barbara O'Brien
German Shepherd Dogs outdoors

AP-NXDBUB - Large group of German Shepherd Dogs from Rozavel
© Animal Photography, Sally Anne Thompson
German Shepherd Puppies

AP-ERVKE2 - German Shepherd (aka Alsatian) puppy
© Animal Photography, Paul Cotney